Rosmini Haka Training

Rosmini Haka Training

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Ka mahi te ringa tango parahia
meaning well done the hand that persist in talking up the goosefoot weed 

it is only a determined hand that can continue to pull up such small weeds 
persist boys don't stop losing is not a option

Monday, 22 June 2015

Rosmini haka performance


Haere ana manawareka, waiho ana Manawakawa

Translation: glad heart goes, bitter mind stays

Meaning: The person who is treated hospitably goes away well satisfied, but the one who is poorly served remains with a bitter taste in his or her mouth

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Sunday, 14 June 2015


E tere kau mai te sea nui nei, mai I te kāhui maunga ki tangaroa, ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au
The river flows from the mountains to the sea I am the river and the river is me 

Thursday, 11 June 2015


E tika ana he iwi matau te Maori: engari no te hinengaro kau. Kei te hinengaro kei mua noa atu e rere ana; ko nga ringaringa hei hanga i nga kimihanga a te hinengaro kia tu tinana mai ai i te aroaro, kua mahue noa mai ki muri.

Is it true that maori people are knowledgable: it comes from the mind. The mind races ahead; the hands expressing what the mind searches for, until understanding is reached, and the past is left behind.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Meaning-Heavy Rain the weather today is very bad lots of heavy rain


He hoa tawhito, he hoa tino pai

Meaning-An old freind is good freind