Rosmini Haka Training

Rosmini Haka Training

Thursday 28 May 2015


Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini

My Success should not be bestowed onto me alone as ot was not individual success bot success of a collective 

Thank every one who ever helped u spent there time showing u something u didn't already know

Maori word of the Day



Ranui is at 12

Sunday 24 May 2015


"Engari te ngaringari I te tino kore rawa atu nei"

A little is better than absolutely nothing
So be thankful for what u have boys

Saturday 23 May 2015

Te Ropu Rangatira Maori Boys----

Kia Ora and welcome to our new Rosmini Maori department blog site.

On this page you will find :

Whakatauki- Maori Proverbs

Maori Kupu- Maori words

Maori Rerenga korero- Maori Sentences.

Also important updates of what our Maori Deparment  future plans are.

First off check out these cool Kiwaha ( Maori Sayings)

Korero mai----
